Finding the Rhythm

We had so much fun practicing how we find the rhythm during our dance study! We used everyday household materials mixed with real instruments to create a fun sensory activity for little hands to explore.

Questions like, “What happens when we add more rice?” and “What happens when we pour out the rice” helped guide our conversation as we tapped, shook and bopped to our beats!

We loved watching our little ones explore the affects of sound with the different materials. Little hands dumped, scooped and poured rice out to see what sound they could make. At one point, our littlest got up to shake, shake, shake the shaker that we just created!

This was a fun and easy activity that engaged our sight, sound, and touch, What inspired this activity? The cutest little book we found called, “I Got the Rhythm”. If you haven’t had the chance to read this story, we highly recommend it!


How Tyler & Joi Met


Potting Plants